Valued up to: $5845.84
$ 2455.82 - $ 3302.69
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Super efficient Max-E-Therm heats your pool quickly while reducing air polluction!
Max-E-Therm™ puts the latest technological advances to work to heat your pool quickly, efficiently, and with less pollution. This state-of-the-art heater is the most energy-efficient pool heater you can buy, saving you money and time by heating more quickly. Its high efficiency design eliminates the need for an outdoor draft hood. Indoor applications can be vented out the side for easy installation. This heating dynamo is encased in a rust-proof, Dura-Glas™ composite shell that can withstand heat and weather and looks great year after year. It will never rust. The shell is so durable it is backed by a 10-Year Warranty. Hi-tech PMG™ burners are not only designed for ultra high efficiency, but are rugged and long-lasting to give you years of dependable service without repair.
The hi-tech control system is the brain of the Max-E-Therm™. Easy-to-read, precise digital display shows pool or spa temperature in Fahrenheit or Centigrade. Exact temperature settings are quick and easy. The control system is highly programmable, permitting two available settings, one for the pool and one for the spa. The control panel is self-diagnostic and pinpoints any system problems for quick service and repair.
The unit is equipped with electronic ignition so you never have to worry about blowing out a pilot light or leaking gas. Certified for low, NOx emissions by Southern California (SCAQMD) and Texas. Max-E-Therm™ is available in either natural gas or propane models.
Put the quickest heating, highest efficiency heater to work for you this season with the advanced Max-E-Therm™ heater by Sta-Rite®. Backed by a 2 Year Warranty. Shipped by truckline. Allow up to 7 business days for delivery.